
the secret page!

welcome! these are functionally poems as i dont have any actual music written.

South Sound

Throwing the sick to he street
I’m tangled up in these sheets
But I’m not fuckin I’m just fuckin mad
You threw her out on her ass

Call my life a choice like I could just stop
Fuck your fake support
Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off!

Claw my way back to life
Don’t go into the light
But it’s so fucking hard with your hands gripped tight

Pick apart my words- find the hidden meaning
I don’t know how to say it any more fucking clearly:
Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off!

Sicker than a dog
Stuck in this room
This is all fucking useless
We’re all fucking doomed

“Do you feel alienated by the way people treat you for your life choices?”
Fuck you! Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off!

Call my life a choice like I could just stop
Fuck your fake support
Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off!


21 fucking years and all that you see
Is the caged fucking animal you raised to be
Fearful and compliant
Well-behaved and silent
Without knowing all you’d done
Was make me fucking violent!

If you’re going to beat and berate me like a dog
I’m going to bite you like one!

Bite the hand that beat you!
Bite the hand that beat you!
Bite the hand that beat you!
Bite the hand that beat you!

21 fucking years and all that I feel
Is hypervigilance; keep my eyes peeled
Stand my ground, teeth bared
You take a step and all my hair
Starts to raise and I snap!

Bite the hand that beat you!
Bite the hand that beat you!
Bite the hand that beat you!
Bite the hand that beat you!