1234 Internet St.

fuck ebt restrictions fuck ebt restrictions fuck ebt restrictions

July 8th, 2023

My county changed its EBT eligibility and I no longer fit into it. Cool. This is how you get your citizens to blow up buildings btw.

I hate that the people in charge of this shit don't have a SHRED of compassion for the incredibly vulnerable people at their mercy. People are going to suffer and die because of this. I have to scramble and get back in contact with the DVR to try and get some form of help with employment. I don't have any diagnosed disabling conditions despite the fact that I am very much debilitated by my current array of symptoms. It's not easy to get recognized as Unable To Work. No one in charge wants to admit they have to help you so they just never let you become officially disabled.

Sometimes violence is the answer

rest in peace muffin

July 2nd, 2023

Today I found out that my friends' and I's shared cat died. She had jaundice and was refusing food the last few days I saw her.

Muffin was such a wonderful cat and I'm glad I got to love her, even for such a brief month and a half. I've made a memorial page for here here.

The second half of today was very sad, but I did also do fun drawings for artfight that I'm very happy with :) I'm not sure yet how productive I'll be this month but I've already done five attacks. Maybe I'll get to ten?

Today is Artfight!

July 1st, 2023

It's finally july! I already saved some refs yesterday so I don't have to deal with the site being constantly down when things kick off.

If you're wondering what artfight is, it's a yearly event that lasts one month- usually july through august, but it often gets extended to make up for lost time when the site goes down. Each year players are spearated into two teams (this year is vampires vs werewolves). On your account you upload pictures and information on your original characters, and during the event you draw someone's character from the opposite team! points are awarded based on finish level. At the end of the event, whichever team with the highest points wins!

I think artfight is so awesome because it combines receiving fanart of your OCs, drawing other people's OCs, and a competetive incentive to make high-effort art! Artfight is also when I see the widest variety of OCs since I spend so much time looking through the recently posted characters and end up way outside of my usual corner of the inernet. The drawings I make for artfight always have fond memories attached to them!

This year I'm changing things up with a different approach/game plan. I'm gonna try doing lots of lower-point attacks rather than a handful of big ones. Usually I go down the route of "I might as well color this -> add shading -> do a nicer background, it'll get me more points!" Which is fun! Part of what I love so much about artfight is the strong motivation it gives me to keep going and do more work on a drawing! But artfight also has an attack ratio stat of how many drawings you've made vs. how many you've received. And mine has never been in my favor. I want to try pushing that in the other direction this year! So we'll see how that goes.

I'm spaceMaverick on artfight! I seriously doubt anyone will see this in time, but I might as well drop my link while I'm here.